

Fundamentals of Coaching Skills for Managers

Course Code: 2292

As a manager, one of your main responsibilities is to support the growth and development of your employees. Coaching is an effective tool for achieving this, as it provides employees with the necessary guidance and support to improve performance and achieve their goals. Coaching involves collaborating with employees to identify areas requiring development and assisting them in creating a plan to address those areas. This course teaches you the skills needed to be a good coach, including effective communication skills and the ability to understand others’ needs and motivations.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Teach employees new skills.
  • Enhance present performance.
  • Encourage people who get discouraged.
  • Groom people for new responsibilities.
  • Correct poor performance.

Intended Audience: Current or aspiring leaders, managers, and supervisors.