Washington General Service (WGS)
Washington General Service (WGS) is the term used to identify positions that are under the jurisdiction of Chapter 41.06 RCW, are not exempt under RCW 41.06.070 and do not meet the definition of manager found in RCW 41.06.022. These positions are identified under the classified job listings and are on a set salary range.
- Inclusion
All agencies can have WGS positions. Some small agencies have specific RCW requirements that define when a position can no longer be a part of WGS. Please work with your assigned HR Business Partner (HR BP) to ensure the correct interpretation of the RCW is applied.
- Establishments and Reallocations
To establish or reallocate a WGS position, begin by writing the WGS position description (PD). Reach out to your assigned HR BP once your PD has been completed. They will assist you in identifying the proper allocation and next steps outlined in the WGS position process.
- PD Updates
To ensure consistent and accurate process of WGS PD updates, please refer to the WGS position process. Please refer to your agency policy, and if applicable CBA, to ensure updates are occurring in the correct timeframe.
If you have any questions, please contact your assigned HR Business Partner.