Travel Policies & Related Issues - Quick Reference Guide


The State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) requires agencies to have their own written internal policies and procedures for travel, transportation, and related policies.

Travel Policies

Explanation SAAM Chapter
Agencies are to have written internal policies and procedures to cover the items required in Chapter 10. 10.10.10.a.3
The agency head must specify in its internal policies and procedures the delegated approval level in the agency’s management structure (authorized designee) for control over travel expenses. 10.10.10.a.3
Agencies, as part of its positive system of management and control over travel are to periodically review purchases of airline tickets to ensure compliance with state travel regulations and terms of airline contracts. 10.10.10.a.3
The agency’s internal policies and procedures must also identify the amount of time required for advance approval of meals, coffee, and light refreshments at meetings, conferences, conventions, and training sessions. 10.10.10.a.3
Agencies may adopt internal travel policies and reimbursement allowances that are more restrictive than in Chapter 10. 10.10.10.b
Agencies are to develop and implement alternatives to travel, as well as less expensive means of travel (list of methods to be included are provided in this section). 10.10.25

Agencies employing airline pilots are to develop internal policies and procedures related to obtaining commercial lodging for flight crews during prolonged standby periods


Agencies are to define business telephone calls as part of its positive system of management and control over travel.
Before requiring an employee to pay for service calls caused by negligence, agencies may wish to define negligence of the traveler to apply this rule in a fair manner.
The agency, as part of its positive system of internal control, is to develop policies and procedures when travelers are reimbursed for expenses by a person or outside entity. Reimbursement should be limited to actual expenses except for subsistence, which may be paid at the allowances contained in Section 10.90. 10.20.60

Agency policies may allow for non-original receipts. The policy needs to ensure that there are adequate controls in place that reduce the risk of duplicate or improper payments to travelers.


Agencies that choose to reimburse travelers for the actual cost of subsistence are to adopt written policies and procedures. 10.40.20.a
Agencies must establish agency meal periods to determine if meal costs can be paid for overnight travel assignments. 10.40.50.a

Agencies must establish agency meal periods to determine if meal costs can be paid for when on non-overnight travel assignments.


When authorizing employees to travel in their privately owned vehicle rather than in a state owned vehicle or via public transportation, agencies, as a part of their required, positive system of internal control over travel, may adopt and use other guidelines for satisfying what is considered advantageous or economical to the state. 10.50.20.a
Because of the potential misuse of POV reimbursement, internal agency policies and procedures are to be established to ensure that all claims for personal vehicle mileage is both critical and necessary for state business. 10.50.25.b
Agencies are to establish written internal policies to require the traveler to repay the state whenever a state contract vehicle is used for occasional incidental personal use. 10.50.35.e
Agencies may adopt written internal policies that allow for use of privately-owned vessels when commercial non-air common carriers are not available or economical. Agency policy must require prior authorization and limit reimbursement to actual costs, such as fuel and moorage, as evidenced by receipts. 10.50.65
Agencies are to define when charges for transportation of equipment and materials are required to perform state business and the expense is reimbursable as a miscellaneous travel expense. 10.60.10
The agency, as part of its positive system of internal control, is to establish the maximum reimbursement for the cost of personal care assistants for disabled employees. 10.60.30
Agencies are required to define circumstances under which they will reimburse travelers for various fees on international flights. 10.60.40
Agencies are to have written internal policies when option 1 is selected for meal and lodging reimbursement for members serving in an advisory, coordinating, or planning capacity. 10.70.20.b
Agencies are to have written internal policies when option 1 is selected for meal and lodging reimbursement for members serving in a rule-making capacity. 10.70.30.b
Agencies are required to institute procedures ensuring that direct payments made to vendors are reasonable, accurate, and necessary for the conduct of the agency’s business. 10.80.55
Agencies are to establish written polices prescribing a reasonable amount for travel advances. 10.80.60.b.7