How to Become a DES Printing and Imaging Customer
Create a customer account
If you are with a Washington State agency, you are probably already a DES Printing and Imaging customer. However, if you work for a political subdivision such as a city, county or school district, you may need to set up a customer account before taking advantage of our services.
Becoming a DES Printing and Imaging customer is very simple. All you need to do is sign and return a short interlocal agreement. When we receive your signed agreement, we’ll set up a customer account and issue you a customer identification code for use when placing orders.
We will need to know the following before we can prepare your interlocal agreement:
- Name of the program manager (This is the person who will be receiving correspondence and billings.)
- Mailing address
- Delivery address, if different than mailing address
- Tax Identification Number
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- Name of contract signer
More information
If you are interested in setting up an account with Printing and Imaging, please contact Jennifer Forte, 360-664-4334.