WSDOT Project Delivery Method Review Task Force

Established March 18, 2024. Disbursed Dec. 12, 2024.

Mission: To review the planned procurement methods for specified WSDOT projects and provide recommendations on the procurement methods to the office of financial management, the department, and the transportation committees of the legislature for project L1000199 by July 1, 2024, and projects N52600R, N00900R, and M00800R by December 1, 2024.

Committee members


Linneth Riley-Hall (Transit)

Tom ZamZow (AGC General Contractor)


Updated April 10, 2024


Task Force Deliverable #1 Due July 1, 2024

L100199 SR 18 Issaquah/Hobart RD to Deep Creek

General project description:

Construct a widened four-lane highway from MP 23.04 west of the Tiger Mountain Summit where the roadway shall transition from the existing three-lane configuration (eastbound truck climbing lane) to a location just west of Deep Creek where it will transition to the four-lane roadway section currently being constructed as part of the I-90/SR 18 I/C to Deep Creek – Interchange & Widening Project at approximately MP 25.68. The Project shall also include the construction of roundabouts at the SR 18/Issaquah-Hobart Road eastbound ramp intersection and the SR 18/Issaquah-Hobart Road westbound ramp intersection.

The scope also includes the following elements:

  1. Transition from the existing three-lane roadway (eastbound truck climbing lane) and widen SR 18 to four lanes between approximately MP 23.25 to approximately MP 25.68.
  2. Pave, install pavement markings and signing.
  3. Construct median barrier the length of the corridor.
  4. Construct right-in, right-out access at the Tiger Mountain Summit.
  5. Construct roundabouts at the SR 18/Issaquah-Hobart Road eastbound ramp intersection and the SR 18/Issaquah-Hobart Road westbound ramp intersection.
  6. Stormwater management and design meeting the requirements of the WSDOT Hydraulic Manual.
  7. Stormwater retrofit of existing pavement that meets the requirements of the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual.
  8. Remove fish barrier structures and improve stream functionality at five fish-bearing stream locations.
  9. Construct bridges and/or buried structures, embankments, temporary works and stream bypasses, creek channel grading, install large woody material and other habitat features.
  10. Incorporate wildlife connectivity features in fish-bearing stream crossings.
  11. Design and construct wildlife exclusion fencing in the vicinity of site ID 995974, site ID 935338 and site ID 934882.
  12. Install intelligent transportation system (ITS), illumination, signing, and electrical systems. The ITS system shall include design and construction of buried power supply conduits and electrical vaults between approximately MP 23.25 and Deep Creek to power ITS elements and illumination.
  13. Avoid and minimize impacts to environmentally Sensitive Areas including wetlands, wetland buffers, streams, stream buffers, jurisdictional ditches, and trees.
  14. Develop and submit permit applications and supporting documentation for all environmental permits.
  15. Provide adequate mitigation for any impacts to environmentally Sensitive Areas.
  16. Provide off-site tree replacement.
Task Force Deliverable #2 Due December 1, 2024

WSDOT Project N52600R SR 526 Corridor Improvements

Advertisement scheduled for 09.26.24 (Current delivery method DBB)

General project description:

This project proposes improvements on EB SR 526 between MP 3.28 and MP 4.52 by creating an add lane from the Evergreen Way on ramp and converting an existing HOV lane to create a third GP lane. The project will continue this third lane through the intersection with Everett Mall Pkwy to the SB SR 527 to NB I-5 loop ramp. Work includes widening the bridge over Casino Rd, roadway widening in several locations, repaving HMA, removal and replacement of median and shoulder barriers, re-channelization including intersection modifications, replacing guardrail, signal modifications, illumination and ITS, ramp meter work, landscaping, drainage modifications, and runoff treatment and detention.

WSDOT Project N00900R SR 9 Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vicinity

Advertisement scheduled for 08.26.24 (Current delivery method DBB)

General project description:

This project will widen the existing two-lane roadway from Marsh Road to the 2nd Street Interchange to four lanes (two in each direction). To accomplish this, the project will build two bridges parallel to the existing structures, 9/117-Overflow bridge and 9/118-Snohomish River Bridge. Other improvements include painting of existing truss bridge, upgrading the existing illumination, traffic signals and ITS, modifying channelization, building one noise wall, and stormwater facilities.

WSDOT Project M00800R SR 395 North Spokane Corridor

Various scheduled advertisement dates due to multiple projects; 7/15/24, 11/18/24, 12/01/25, 4/1/26, 8/1/26, and 1/1/27 (Current delivery method DBB)

General project description:

Contact us

Talia Baker

CPARB/PRC program specialist