Customer Service
Customer Service Fundamentals for Excellence
This training covers the Washington State requirements for customer service. It provides you with practical with tools to implement service delivery standards and to address issues they arise. You will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of delivering customer service with reliability, integrity, timeliness, and empathy. You will also understand the communication skills and problem-solving skills needed to deliver excellent service.
Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Make your customers feel valued and increase your customer loyalty.
- Forge a human connection and establish a rapport with your customers.
- Engage in positive conversations with challenging customers.
- Identify where to access current procedures and areas for improvement.
- Decrease response times for frequently requested services.
- Increase consistency of treatment in service delivery.
- Create performance measures to evaluate progress in service.
- Identify where to access available resources.
Intended Audience: All audiences.