

Outward vs. Inward Mindset

Course Code: 2277

This interactive course explores the contrast between growth (outward) and fixed (inward) mindsets, particularly their influence on our professional lives. With a growth mindset, you embrace change and understand how individual actions impact collective objectives. On the other hand, a fixed mindset focuses on personal ambitions, often disregarding the team, and stems from the belief that your core traits are static. Through a blend of lecture, real-world examples, and engaging activities, you will gain a solid grasp of these mindset dynamics and their significance in the workplace.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the difference between and outward and an inward mindset.
  • Recognize your primary type of mindset and those of your team members.
  • Describe the impact that each mindset has on performance of the individual, the team, and the overall organization.
  • Use techniques to create a greater level of the outward mindset.
  • Discuss why mindset is a critical component of leadership.
  • Demonstrate how mindset is a fundamental building block for individuals, teams, and organizations to be successful.

Intended Audience: Leaders, managers, and supervisors.