

Leadership Command Presence I: Building Acceptance & Credibility while Communicating Influentially

Course Code: 2259

Leadership presence is a valuable quality that enables you to effectively engage and influence others. When you have leadership presence, you possess the ability to captivate an audience, earn trust, and inspire belief. The impact of presence extends beyond simply being a good communicator; it also instills credibility, likeability, and a sense of partnership.

Achieving Leadership Command Presence is done through learning and development. In this program, you will enhance your credibility and persuasion skills, strengthen your interpersonal connections, and acquire conflict management abilities. Join us to refine your presence and elevate your leadership capabilities.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Apply the core traits of Leadership Command Presence.
  • Apply the Convincer Strategy for greater charisma and persuasiveness.
  • Connect positively with anyone.
  • Use strategies to persuade reluctant individuals to act.
  • Encourage others to expand their comfort zones.
  • Create a climate and culture that engenders loyalty, connection, and follow-through.
  • Improve your verbal and nonverbal ability to make an immediate impact.
  • Focus your attention and improve your memory.
  • Employ the Champions Formula of Performance Development created by your instructor, Dr. Iverson, during his work with US Olympic Team members.
  • Rapidly gain acceptance and build your credibility with anyone.

Intended Audience: Leaders, managers, and supervisors.